Marketing Your Philadelphia-Based Business With An Athletic Mindset.

Marketing like an athlete: creative, industry-oriented marketing strategies with a collaborative, goals-centric mindset (Philadelphia & Nationwide).

Establishing A Winning Culture For Your Team/Client Begins With You.

One of the first questions I ask new marketing hires: “Did you play a team sport in high school?”

If you’re reading this: odds are that you already have a competitive, goals-oriented [winning] mentality.

The common complaint I hear from clients re: their marketing firms is that they just don’t seem to care enough to do the job right. How alarming is this to hear? As an industry, we have failed. We’ve let apathy, lethargy (and a scrupulous adherence to mediocrity) become so commonplace that a non-competitive mindset is the new norm! “I paid fly-by-night marketing firm ___ an exorbitant amount of money…they took the cash and disappeared.”

My parents blessed me with the opportunity to play team sports growing up (and coach, thereafter) – from baseball, to water polo, to basketball. From very early on, I came to know the importance of sacrifice for the benefit of a common goal: winning, success, and a team championship. I’ve been on the winning side of championships and the losing side of championships – the commonalities amongst all winning teams are simple: focus, dedication, and belief.

Did you know that 57% of small businesses in the Philadelphia Area assert that their marketing firm doesn’t pay enough attention to their everyday needs?

I’ve also come to understand the importance of practice and repetition. As a team (or business) you could have all of the tools and makings for success; however, if you don’t practice [as a team] – you’re setting yourself up for failure. In the marketing field, this could mean a combination of things:

1.) Not every advertising campaign you set up is going to pop off. Does that mean you give up? Absolutely not. Continue adjusting keywords, match strategy, daily budget, and landing page configuration until you generate your client(s) qualified traffic and leads. Persistence is key – as well as creativity.

2.) Not every blog post you write is immediately going to generate leads. Odds are that you’ll likely have to continue generating content (for yourself and for your clients) via A/B/C testing fashion to see what sticks and what doesn’t. Google’s algorithmic brain, of course, prioritizes demonstrative, affirmative, and practical content.

3.) Not every website that you create will be approved upon first draft submission. At Dynamic Wave Consulting, we believe that no website is *truly* finished until our client believes it’s a winner. Remember: building a user-friendly, lead optimized, responsive site takes time and effort. The collaborative, consultative approach is an integral part of our team-oriented, winning process.

If you take away nothing else from the aforementioned, take away this: your client is your teammate – helping them dominate their industry is winning the championship. Sure – it takes time, effort, and grit…but achieving your goal(s) together can be a very gratifying experience.

Schedule your consultation today at: – join a winning team.

Bruce (MBA – Villanova University); 610-316-1112

Marketing Philadelphia
Results-Based Marketing: Philadelphia, PA.

#DynamicWaveConsulting #Marketing #Winning #Athletics #PhiladelphiaAthletics #SocialMedia #Advertising #WebDesign #LeadOptimized #BusinessGrowth #PhiladelphiaMarketing

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